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Planning Board Minutes 2009/08/06
August 6, 2009
7:00 PM

Present:  Peggy Chalmers, Chairman; Allan Davis; Bruce Jennings; Daniel Schneider; Robert Stanley; Peter White; Philip Porter, Alternate; Emma Smith, Ex-officio member; Michael Marquise, Town Planner.
Also present:   Deborah Dubreuil; David Cahill; Frank Krajcik; Mary O’Mara
Absent: Nick Kontoes, Alternate; Derek Tatlock, Alternate; Fred Gallup, Ex-officio member
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Chairman Chalmers.
Changes to the minutes of July 16:  List Emma Smith as absent.  Clarify that Derek Tatlock was voting for Robert Stanley and Philip Porter was voting for Allan Davis.  Change “Hamill” to “Hamel”.  On page 2, the application on Lower Main Street was voted accepted as complete.  On line 55, change “the asphalt” to “the soil”.  On page 3, change to “reduces road frontage requirement”.  On page 4, add “original” before site plan, re: Terry Fletcher case.  Change “will not” to “must not” re: Terry Fletcher lot coverage.
Philip Porter made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Robert Stanley.  Allan Davis and Emma Smith abstained.  The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Marquise advised the board that Jeff Taylor will be handing out draft recommendations for the master plan this evening.  The conservation commission will be at the next planning board meeting to finalize their section.  All parts should be together in time to hold a public meeting in October.
Ms. Chalmers stated that Mr. Davis suggested a sub-committee on workforce housing.  Mr. Marquise suggested a member of the ZBA sit on the sub-committee.  Ms. Chalmers will contact the chair of the ZBA.  The sub-committee will consist of Mr. Marquise, Mr. Davis, Mr. Jennings and a ZBA representative.
MAP 218 LOT 34.  Louis & Deborah Dubreuil, 268 North Road, site plan review for a day care business.
Mr. Cahill was present to assist Ms. Dubreuil.  The application was filed three weeks in advance, abutters were notified and fees were paid.  There were no overriding state permits.  Mr. Marquise stated everything was in and complete.  Mr. Davis asked how many children would be enrolled in the daycare.  Ms. Dubreuil said no more than 12, as required by the state.  Mr. Davis asked about the ZBA special exception.  Ms. Dubreuil received a special exception at the last ZBA meeting.   
A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to accept site plan as complete for day care business MAP 218 LOT 34, Louis & Deborah Dubreuil, 268 North Road.  Seconded  by Philip Porter .  The motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Dubreuil informed the board her hours of operation are 8:30-12:30.  It was suggested that the hours be extended in the event a child stays later than planned.  
A motion was made by Allan Davis to approve site plan for day care business MAP 218 LOT 34, Louis & Deborah Dubreuil, 268 North Road with the condition that the hours of operation are 8:30-5:30.  Seconded by Peter White.  The motion passed unanimously.
MAP 235 LOT 87.  Frank Krajcik, 530 Edgemont Road, site plan review for a day care business.
Mr. Marquise stated the application was submitted three weeks in advance, abutters were notified and fees were paid.  There were no state permits that fall under planning board jurisdiction.  Mr. Marquise stated the application is complete.  Mr. Krajcik received a special exception at the last ZBA meeting.
A motion was made by Allan Davis to accept application as complete.  Seconded by Bruce Jennings.  The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Krajcik owns the property, which he rents to Mary O’Mara.  Ms. O’Mara operates the day care.  Ms. O’Mara stated that her hours are varied, sometimes she has children overnight and on weekends.  She currently takes care of one large family, but would like to take on additional children in the spring.  The maximum hours would be 6 a.m.-6 p.m.
Mr. Krajcik spoke to the septic, which had been an issue at the ZBA meeting where he received a special exception.  He said he received a letter from Corliss Abbott stating he has a 1000 gallon cement tank in good shape which has been maintained by Abbott.
A motion was made by Allan Davis for a day care business with operating hours not to exceed 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the number of children not to exceed 9, MAP 235 LOT 87, Frank Krajcik, 530 Edgemont Road.  Seconded by Peter White.  The motion passed unanimously.
Jeff Taylor of Upper Valley was present to offer his draft chapter for the board.  He will return in September to discuss recommendations made by Upper Valley.  
The village divides into three parts:  Intersection of Main Street/Route 11, harbor, lower village.   The report begins with the harbor and how important the village is, as it is where people of the community come to interact.  Mr. Taylor said that in villages there is a wall of buildings that define the edge of the right of way and keeping that is very important to maintaining the character of the village.  He would like to use existing development as a model for new development; new buildings should fit in with the character of what is already there.
Mr. Taylor said the definition of the front setback is one he has never seen before.  Sunapee’s front setback is measured from the center of the right of way, rather than from the front of the parcel which is more typical.  He suggested making the harbor sign standard smaller than the 48 square feet currently permitted and also addressing the issue of electric or message board signs in the harbor.
Mr. Taylor explained form based zoning.  Instead of a required minimum setback you would have a maximum permitted setback.  He suggested requiring buildings be close to sidewalks rather than allowing a special exception for it.
Mr. Taylor addressed the ordinance allowing buildings up to 40 feet, saying there are none that reach near that height, and the board should think about requiring roofs with a pitch.  
Mr. Taylor suggested speaking with the state about the roadway (Route 11) as it must be compatible with the community.  Traffic is moving too quickly through village.  Drivers should alerted visually at a considerable distance that they must slow down (sidewalks, trees, signage, creating an edge) or with rumble strips or speed tables.  
Lower Main Street needs cleaning up.  Mr. Taylor suggested there might be a way to hold taxes constant from 3-5 years after improvements have been made.  The 40 foot height standard and sign standard also over what is appropriate to that area.  He would recommend continuing the Riverwalk through Lower Village, which would help connect it to the harbor.
An update on the Sunapee Center proposal was given by Ms. Smith.
The meeting adjourned at 8:58.

Submitted by Katie Richardson, recording secretary        Date approved____________________

_____________________________________   _______________________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                               Allan Davis

_____________________________________   _______________________________________
Bruce Jennings                                  Daniel Schneider                                       

_____________________________________   _______________________________________  
Robert Stanley                                        Peter White